What are the Different Types of Implant Restorations?

If you’re looking for an effective way to restore your missing teeth, dental implant restoration may be the perfect solution for you! As one of the most popular solutions amongst patients with missing teeth, implant restoration provides durable restorative care that can help you regain your perfect smile and self-esteem. 

In this article by Suncoast Dental Center, we'll talk more in-depth about the different types of implant restoration available so you can make an informed decision on if this is the right solution for you.

Single Implant Restoration

A single implant is exactly as it sounds - one implant placed into the jawbone to support a false tooth. This type of restoration is great for those who have only lost one tooth or would like to replace an existing denture with something more permanent. Single implants can be used in both the upper and lower jaws, and provide a sturdy, secure restoration that looks just like a natural tooth. 

Dental Implant Bridge

A dental implant bridge is an excellent restoration solution for those missing two or three teeth in a row. 

What's the difference between this type of bridge and a traditional bridge? Well, there are two main differences:

  • Instead of relying on existing teeth for support as traditional bridges do, a dental implant bridge is secured in the mouth via two or three strategically-placed titanium implants. 
  • Also, unlike traditional bridges, your Naples dentist doesn’t have to scrape away large amounts of your healthy tooth structure to place them in position. This makes it ideal for those who may already be suffering from gum recession or other types of periodontal issues.

Partial Implant

A partial implant restoration is a viable option when you are looking to replace one or several missing teeth. It utilizes the same techniques as full implant restoration, but with fewer implants and subsequent materials needed. This makes it an attractive option for many who have lost just a few teeth due to damage, wear, or decay. 

Full Implant Dentures 

Full implant dentures provide an ideal solution for those who need to completely restore their entire upper or lower arch of missing teeth but don’t want regular dentures. Unlike regular dentures, which must be taken out every day for cleaning, full implant dentures are permanently affixed in place so you never have to worry about taking them out or losing them!  

No matter what type of implant restoration you choose, there are many benefits to getting dental implants including improved oral health, increased self-confidence, and better overall oral function. 

Contact Suncoast Dental Center Today and Get the Smile You Deserve! 

If you think dental implants might be right for you, contact Suncoast Dental Center. We have years of experience dealing with this kind of work and our team is backed by cutting-edge technology, ensuring you get only the highest quality end result. Get in touch with us today!

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